One thing more than anything else make people give up their publishing business.
A lack of immediate results.
Writing and publishing books is hard work. Especially if you hope to have any success.
You sit alone in your office or on a coffee shop pounding your keyboard for months.
That's right. If you're writing a novel it will be months until you see even the slightest hint of a result.
More often than not that result is less than encouraging.
I don't mean to get all lofty and philosophical on you...but I'm gonna...
At the end of the day, the only resource we really have is time.
I hate wasting time. I hate it even more than wasting money.
You can always make more money.
But wasted time is gone...FOREVER!
Lost time can never be recovered!
That's why I only attempt to write novels once a year. During NaNoWriMo. And that's mostly because it's a fun exercise.
The thought of wasting one or more months on a novel that tanks is unbearable to me.
Have you ever tried that?
If you've attempted to write novels I bet you have.
In fact, I'm absolutely sure of it.
Did you waste even more time refreshing the KDP dashboard to check how many sales you'd made?
Did you feel a little bit like crying when nothing happened?
Is that something you're particularly interested in experiencing again? EVER?
Failure sucks!
I know, because I've done it a lot.
Still, today I wouldn't be without those failures.
In fact, they've become my most valuable resource.
Hard as it is, you've got to embrace your failures and take whatever lessons you can from them.
It's pretty damn hard convincing yourself of that when your KDP Dashboard is overflowing with empty.
Even more so when you've spilt blood, sweat and tears into it for months!
Ok, the blood I suppose would at most be due to paper-cuts, but you know what I mean.
The one thing I knew for sure was that I was sick and tired of seeing my efforts go to waste time and time again.
That's when I started looking into short stories. At least if, or when, they tanked I wouldn't have wasted too much time on them.
Since I started doing that I never looked back!
I kept experimenting with different formats and ways to do it. And you know, sometimes my books still tanked.
It was far less painful than with novels, but still painful.
But was there really any other option?
I didn't think so. I accepted the occasional failures as the cost of doing business and worked on my craft.
I came across one particular type of fiction I thought was excellent for practicing my craft.
Flash Fiction.
Very short stories no more than 1,500 words in length.
I used it for:
But surely...that had to be all it could be used for...practicing...right?
I kid you not!
4-Page books can make you money.
I didn't believe it myself.
Last year, strictly for fun, I decided to publish a 4-page story. 3 of them in fact.
For the longest time I didn't think about them.
Then one day I browsed through all the books on my KDP dashboard. The ultimate procrastination :-)
To my great surprise I noticed some of the short books had actually made money.
Not a fortune...
But money.
The following month I spent a lot of time thinking about what was going on.
I decided to try to replicate the results. Perfect them.
Now, I sometimes can't even get my FREE promotion techniques started before making sales!
Take this book for example
This is a brand new book.
I hit the publish button on the 13th.
It went live on the 14th.
My promotion didn't kick in until the 15th.
AND I still couldn't stop people from buying this 5-page book before the free promotion kicked in.
How would you like to make money from just one hour's worth of writing every day.
I mean, actual royalties.
In Flash Fiction Profits you will learn how to turn micro-stories of just 1,000 to 1,500 words into royalty checks.
You're wondering if people will pay money for books that short?
Let me stop you right there.
They WILL!
Of course, as long as you're up front with what kind of story they're buying.
The sheer volume of books you're publishing will ensure you make money.
Instead of wasting one, two or even three months on one book, only to realize it stinks. And won't sell a single copy even if you bribed your mother...
Wouldn't it be nice to know earlier?
You know, this month, this week or even tomorrow?
The great thing about Flash Publishing Profits is that you're able to do just that.
If you can write four pages in Word, you can publish your book today.
And you can find out whether it works this week, maybe even tomorrow!
Sometimes, I see results so fast I get sales before I even have a chance to start a free promo!!!
I'm sorry, but that's a pretty butt-whooping sensation.
Either way, it's just incredibly helpful to know whether you're wasting your time without throwing vast periods of your life down the drain.
Look, Flash Publishing Profits is not going to make it possible for you to order a Ferrari, or buy your dream home tomorrow.
I wish it was, and you know...some day it might be.
What it can do, not overnight, is get you that extra couple of hundred dollars a month to take your spouse out for a dinner and a movie.
It can give you just that little bit of extra financial freedom you're looking for.
In time it can become more.
Compound interest is the strongest force in the universe. ~ Albert Einstein (supposedly) |
Even if he didn't actually really say it the point still stands.
You will be publishing books so fast they will become a force of nature.
It will grow and grow and grow. And give you the freedom you want.
Sometimes in life you've got to take a chance.
And in this case it's risk-free!
When an opportunity shows itself what do you want to do with it?
Change is scary.
But if you're you're wasting your time today, why not try something else
If you're dead-set on becoming a novelist of big epic stories, by all means go for it.
Just realize that you can't expect to be successful the first time around.
Writing fiction is hard, damn hard.
The only way to know for sure that you're going down the right path is to face the judgement of your audience.
Getting that feedback on a daily basis is key to improving.
And it's key to earning royalties.
The truth is, it's hard to believe you can make money from tiny books like these.
I didn't believe it when I first saw it happen.
It almost seems unfair to the novelists who sweat over their books for months.
I can make money off of a new book tomorrow if I want to.
And if it doesn't make money I KNOW I'm moving down the wrong path.
My novelist won't know for a couple of months. And he won't be able to change direction until that time.
That's months wasted!
You might be thinking this is a whole new way of doing things, and something you can't possibly do.
You'd be more wrong than you can imagine.
You might be worried it will cost you an arm and a leg to do this.
So far, I've spent a grand total of 1 buck!
And that was only because I wanted a nice domain name for my pen names email address. It was an entirely OPTIONAL expense
These are going to be the easiest books you'll ever write.
The entire process of writing the book (including plotting) can be done is as little as 1 hour!
I've done this many, many times now, and I've got the process down.
From the time I start one of these to the point where I hit the "Publish" button on Amazon I'll usually have spent around 90 minutes.
That includes:
Can you do that on your first attempt?
Probably not.
But compared to any other book you've published in your life this will be a cakewalk!
Flash Publishing Profits comes with a 30 day no-questions asked money back guarantee...AS LONG as you make your inquiry through the email address provided below. Any PayPal disputes will render the refund policy null and void.
P.S. Earn royalties from your books faster and get that financial freedom you've been dreaming of.
P.P.S. You will be absolutely astonished by how easy this is, and you'll realize you'll be able to have a new book on the market nearly every single day.
Mike Nielsen
Contact info: master[at]kdmastery.com